Building Ideas, Crafting Solutions

Experts in computer systems design, software development, and advanced technical services.

Revolutionize your computer systems with us.

Based in Edmonton, Canada, we specialize in computer system design and software development. Trust us to transform your business and maximize your success.


Customized Software Development

Tailored solutions to optimize business processes.

IT Consulting Services

Expert guidance on IT strategies and solutions.

Systems Integration Solutions

Seamless integration of software and hardware systems.

Innovative technology solutions for businesses.

75% Increase in Revenue

Borrowbe Inc. saw a significant revenue growth of 75%.

Top 3 in Computer Systems Design

Ranked among the top 3 companies in Computer Systems Design.

10 Years of Industry Experience

Bringing over a decade of experience in Computer Software Development.

Global Reach in Professional Services

Providing Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services worldwide.

About us

Borrowbe Inc. is a leading company in Computer Systems Design and Related Services, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and Computer software development.

Located at 1688 Melrose Pl SW Edmonton, AB, T6W 1X6 Canada, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions to meet the technological needs of our clients.

man using MacBook

Get in touch

Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


E-mail: [email protected]
Founder: [email protected]
Co-founder: [email protected] 

Phone: +1 (626) 842-3422


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